Australian Association for Environmental Education


President: Graeme Sawyer

AAEE National

About Us

The Australian Association for Environmental Education (AAEE) is the peak professional body for Environmental Educators, focused on helping educators implement sustainability education, the overarching ideas in the national curriculum and environmental educations practices in general. As an organisation, the AAEE:

  • Advocate for Environmental Education and promote best practice
  • Support and contribute to skills development among educators across Australia and internationally
  • Help association members to stay at the forefront of sustainability education and behaviour change
  • Provide a network for cross-sector environmental education

The AAEE has 3 major roles:

  • Promote the effective use of education to help people to live more sustainability
  • Support members via professional development
  • Build strong local networks that facilitate collaboration and skill sharing

What is the benefit of an AAEE Membership?

  • Fostering of social change on environmental issues
  • Use of sustainability principles
  • Excellence in education using reflective practice
  • Inclusive, democratic, collaborative and empowering approaches
  • Use of holistic, integrated and global perspectives
  • High ethical standards
  • High quality research and evaluation to underpin practice
  • Productive international, national, interstate and sector based partnerships.


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Lvl 11, Mitchell Centre. 55-59 Mitchell Street
Darwin NT 0801

Phone: 08 8944 9324

ABN: 463 302 816 41